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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  March 16, 2011 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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a police cruiser crash. crash. ---crash nats--- nats--- why the cop car was in the middle of a highway... and what the officers were doing that might have saved their lives. -------------------------------- -------------- a mother waitssfor her daughter to return from japan. japan. "i'm terrified of that radiati" radiation" where her daughter is stuck.. and why her flight home might leave without her. -------------------------------- ------------ the rain moves out.. and a warm-up is comiig. when we could hit the mid- 70's.... in my skywatch forecast. -------------------------------- -------------- "we're trying to find the number one, the grand dada, the ultimate" ultimate" and american idol...down to 12 finalists. the special music the contestants will sing this week.
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good evening, i'm jennifer . gilbert. i'm.../ jeff barnd..../// ááaáá... baltimore county.../ man.. /// áásuspectedáá.../ of... setting.../ his...// mother ...on.../ fire...////. is... in.../ custody.. //// ááhisáá.../ mother.../// in.../ &p seeious condition. condition. keith daniels, live in eastwood where the news has shaken a neighborrood.. keith. jeff... we're live on east baltimore street..... the incident happened in that house behhnd me.... the call for help went out at about 11 o'clock this morning... morning... when firefighters arrived.. - they didn't see fire.. just smoke.. but a small fire was burning in a bedroom inside the home... where they found a woman badly burned.. her adult son was there. .........something triggered firefighters' suspicions..... policc arrived.. they took the son into custody. the commotion got neighbors' attention.. including a couple across the street.. who saw the victim as she left. 3 "she was pretty burned up, they had the oxygen on her,
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all that stuff. butther feet were charred and her hands and everyyhing was harred from what i could see." fire officials say the woman is recovering at the bayview burn center with extremely serious injuries. meantime, police are releasing few details.. .......they do say there was an assault.. and they're calling the son.. a "person of interest..." live in eastview.. keith daniels, fox 45 news at 5-30. the owner of two dogs that attacked a young girl as she was riding her bike in dundalk is being fined. &pfined. 7-year-old amanda mitchell was attacked by the dogs saturday near her home on villager circle. she was badly hurt and remains in the hospital in fair condition. condition.the dog's owner, tina baker who also lives on villager circle. she is not being criminally charged. she does have to pay 18-hundred dollars in fines. baker's dogs were both euthanized. that brings us to our question of the day. do you think the punishment was fair? go to fox-baltimore dot com
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and tell us what you think. you can also sound off through facebook. send us a tweet.. at foxbaltimore. and you can text your answer to 45203. fox45b for no.your response might air tonight on the news at ten. 2--days.../ before.../ a... maryland man's ...// wedding... ///// ááheáá.../ dissppears.../////. for...// months...// áácrimmáá...// and... justice reporter.../ joy lepola.../// says...// áátheáá.../ man's... body.../ has... just.../ turned.../ up...///// ááandáá...// loved-ones...// blame.../ police.../// for.../ not... finding him.../ soone. sooner. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 ((pkg)) the family of maurice pynum spent months searching for him, but they never dreamed he would be discovered are wondering why a car that is the focus of an active missing person's investigation in the district was left to sit on a prince george's county street even after neighbors called police. "an officer wws dispatched to that location, heechecked the vehicle, but for some reason ittdid not come back as being stolen," the car was legally parked, so the officer left it. after several more weeks,
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neighbors called again onn marchh8. police came and this time, the car came up as stolen and was towed and the family was called to get the car they had reported missing so many months ago. by late afternoon on tuesday, police confirmed the body was maurice bynum. family members now beleive dc police and prince george's county police dropped the ball. an investigation is underway joy lepola fox 45 news 5:30 it was an ethics probe that led to the resignation of former mayor sheila dixon.... and now current mayor stephanie rawlings blake is facing ethical questions of her own. own. jeff abell is live at city hall with details, jeff... mayor stephanie rawlings blake is on the defense tonight insisting she has not violated the city's ethhcs code... 3 3 as a member of the city's board of estimates, the mayor directly approves city expenditures. and
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recentlyy she signed off on more than nine-hundred thousand dollars in contracts and grants...some of it awarded to johns hopkins university...another portion awarded to johns hopkins medical center. but her actions are raising questions tonight because the mayors husband now works for a division offthe hoppins health system. (17:14:19) (mayor) "let me be clear, not one simple item approved by the board of estimates since december has had anything to dd with my husbands job. not one single &pitem..." 3 the mayor has asked the city attorney for an opinion on the matter.... its expected any day... live at city hall, jeff abell, fox 45, nnws at 5:30. a liquor store owner is facinn charges after police say she stole winning lottery tickets from her customers. customers. police arrested melissa stone of ross liquors in dundalk fter an undercover lottery worker
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tried to cash a winning 10- thousand dollar ticket there. the worker was acting on an anonymous tip.even though a loud alarm went off telling him he haddwon.. stone told him heehad lost.. and then later trred to cash the ticket for herself. stone is out on bail and is facing grand theft and fraud charges. 3 baltimore.../ police.../ are.../ looking... for some .../ trong .../ women .../ to... join.../ the force. force. right.../ now, .../ ááwomenáá.../ make... up.../ 16 percent... of the.../ police.../ department..../// ááaboveááá../ the... national.../ average, .../ áábutáá.../ still...// áátheyáá.../ say.../ more... force.../// is...// an asset. 3 "there are tons of studies that show that females in law enforcement diffuse situations a little bit quicker, they are more abpt to stop and listen and communicate and try to solve a problem before going in and making an arrest." arrest." 3 the...// information.../ session.../ this fridayy..//, march... 18 .../ from .../ &p p-m.../////. ááatáá...// police headquarterr.../// áátheáá.../ address:.../// 601...// east.../ fayette street. street. find.../ out more.../// about...// joining... the.../ baltimore... city police.../
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deeartment.../// áábyáá...// logging... onto.../ our.../ &pwebsite.../// fox baltimore dot com.../ slash newslinks. baltimore city school officials were bracing or a 15-million dollarcut in state funding for next year. buu house leaders are tryingto ressooe at least 10-million of those'sspart of complex negotiatoins aimed at reducing a 1.5-billion dollar balanced budget.while some city lawmakers are pleased that two-thirds of education cuts are being restored...others say it's not enough. (carter) "and let's not forget thronton arose out of baltimore city's lawlsuit from decades long underfunding so i actually don't think it's that much of a victory. i think the full amount of money should be " restored."house leaders are also trying to keep the saae level of funding for each & it was the past two years. how are theeroads.../ looking tonight? tonight?lauren cook has our ttaffic edge report. report. maps-providence- liberty-fiber-back to maps
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tomorrow.../// is... saint patrick's.../// day...////. ááifáá...// you're...// going... to drink ...//// that...// green beer...//// áádon'táá.../ drive.../ when... you're.../ done. kooper's tavern in fells point... they're gearing up for a big celebration.... but making sure everyone gets home safe. they teamed up with triple a and yellow unveil the tipsy taxi service today. ii's available to anyone drinking at a baltimore can call from 4-pm to 4-am to get a free cab ride home. "saint patricks day has become an all day cause for celebration, and unfortanately it's also become a dangerous day due to impaired driving." if you need the tipsy's the number to call 1-877-963-taxi. improving .../ your eyesi. eyesight. next in health check.....what you can add to 3our diet to see more clearly. 3
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"i'm terrified of that radiati" radiition" also ahead tonight...a mother waiting for her daughter to return from japan. why she was in the country when the earthquake hit. 3 and a police cruiser crash. what the officers were doing that might have saved their lives. 3 --adblib weather tz-- /////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////// 3 3 [ female announcer ] love the look of freshly colored hair?
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now you don't have to wait 6 weeks to get it. introducing natural instincts with our first color refresher. get healthy looking, ammonia-free color, then let the new refresher boost your healthy look 2 weeks in. it helps restore color pigments, so you can get a freshly colored look once again. natural instincts. it's all good. now get all the healthy looking color of natural instincts in our new vibrant shades.
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pñ the head of the international atomic energy agency says japan áappearsá to have lost control of its nuclear situation. situation. the u-n atomic watchdog chief-- yukiya amano-- plans to visit the country... he confirms a partial melt-down of reactors one, two and three at the earthquake damaged fukushima plant. crews have been frantically tryyng to ool reactors in the complex. people who live near the plant are continually beiig screened for radiation exposure. 3 "i worry so much, radiation how to find out whether it has -
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been carried in the air or not. 3 the ddath toll continues to ise and millions are coping with little food, water heat or housing in chilly temperaturrs. a.../ towson.../// university... student.../// is... trying.../ to... leave.../ japan....///// ááshe'sáá...// in... tokyo..., /// on.../ a... "student...// exchange".../ program. ...//// áábutáá...// the... program's.../ canceled.../// áámelindaáá... roeder.../ talked... with mom.../ today... /// ááwho'sáá...// still... concerned...// daughter's.../ safety. cynthia jacobs has booked her daughter a flight home. but she fears it may not take off. since trains aren't running.. and many roads are damaged... just getting to the airport is a struggle. in the meantime, her daughter, daaielle, remains with her host family. her semester even though she felt the earthquake and after- shocks,... her school was not damaged. nd tokyo is the tsunami hit. still, there are concerns about exposure. which is why students are staying mostly indoors.
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"i'm terrified of that radiation... next thing you kkow, the radiation's in tokyo." danielle has been in contact with her mom... back home in columbia, maryland. but with the time difference, and the rolling blackouts in japan, phone caals and email has been limited.melinda roeder, fox 45 news at ten. catholic .../ charities.../ and... the red cross .../ are... accepting donations.../ the people.../ in.../ japan....///// ááfindáá...// out.../ help...///// ááatááá..// fox baltimore dot com....// slash.../ newslinks. two saint louis police officers consiier themselves very lucky tooight after they were almost hit on a highway. highway. a car was speeding down i-70 when it slammed into the side of the officer's cruiser. the cops weee actually on the road diverttng traffic from an earlier crash when it happened. onn ooficer jumped over tte centrr median in order to get out of the way. the other officer ran down the highway as the patrol car did a spin.
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3 3 in...// health check ...///// ááeatingáá.../ fish.../ could... help.../ save... your eyesight...// ddwn the .../ road..../// áánewáá.../ studies.../ show...// women .../ who... eat fish.../ regularly...// áámayáá.../ have... a lower risk.../ of... developing.../ age-related.../ macular.../ degeneration...////. ááharvarráá.../ doctors.../// say.../ women.../// who.../ ate... the most.../ fatty.../ - acids...//// found...// in.../ fish...//// ááhadáá.../ a.../ much.../// lower risk...// of... developing.../ the... eye.../ condition. doctors .../ say... tanning beds.../ are... causing.../ ore... young people ../ to... get.../ skin...// cancer...///. áásunáá... damaae progressive.../// áásoáá...// every.../ sun--burn...// you... get...//// is.../ stored.../ in... your.../ skin...///. áátheáá... younger.../ you... do.../ it,.../// áátheáá...// longer... your skin.../ stores.../ it...///. áánewáá.../ york... and illinois...//// are.../ the... first.../ 2--states...//// considering .../ bills...// áábanningáá...// anyone .../ under... 18.../// 3 3 "we're trying to find the number one, the grand ddda, the ultimate" ultimate" 3 american idol...down to 12 finalists. the special musiccthe contestants will sing this 3 --adblib weather tz--
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3. .
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the.../ competition.../ heats up .../ on... ááandáá...// so... does ...// the.../ pressure...// for... the.../ contestan. contestants. there.../ are... a dozen .../ singers .../ left...///. ááthisáá.... week...///
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ááthey'lláá...// pick... a song .../ from.../ the... year.../// they... were.../ born. 3 3 "it's a lot of pressure anyone down you grow these fans and they're allowing you to do good." "you never at least for me i'm never a 100 percent confident in my song choice. i'm always like maybb you should pick something else, america may not like it." it." "i've performed around a lot of adults my whole life so it's been very easy for me to project when i'mmin the emotion in my voice." you.../ can... see the contestants.../ on... american idol.../ tonight...// ááandáá...// the... show.../ - tomorrow....///ááit'sáá.../ all... happening.../ at.../ 8--pm.. 8--pm...//.ááyouáá.../// about... the show .../ &p with... candace.../ dold...///. áájustáá...// become... a fan.../ of... our facebook.... page...//// ááandáá..../ join... the.../ the so-called "bieber fever"... is turning into a worldwide epidemic. epidemic.three new wax figures of teen hearththrob justin bieber... will now be displayed in madame tussauds museums in new york, london and amsterdam. figures come complete with bieber's old hairstyle... the side-swept
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bangs. 3 a big warm-up is coming tomorrow. 3 tomorrow. chief meteorologist... vytas reid.../ joins us... with the ssywatch.../ fo. forecast. 3 3
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a nightclub for dogs. the services the party place for pooohes
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as the nfl lockout is approaching the one week mark, no one really knows what's going to happen..or even if there will be a season thiss year...if there is,,it's gonna be a bit different than we're used to, ruleswise... ruleswise... 3 the league says it will be more agressiveein suspending players next season for were handed down in 2010 even - after the crackdown, wwich resulted in huge fines...but that will change...the leagge says players are now fully aware of the penalties, and that suspensions could follow.. nfl owners will vote on twoo kickoff up to the 35 and bringing a touchback out to the 25.. after two solid years as a fulltime starter, ravens
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runninn back ray rice is generally considered one of the best at hii position in the game...espn compliled power rankings for the position and rice fared no better than 8th...chris johnnon of the titans edggd out the vikings' adrian peterson for the number one spot...tten comes maurice jones drew, arian foster, jamaal charles, michael turner rice's two years as a starter, he's rushed for over 25-hundred yards and caught passes tottlling over 1s-hundred and 50... 3 to the south...redskins owner daniel snyder is no stranger to media he's battling the washington post... the newspaper had a popular feature called redskiis insiier, and snyder has asked them to remove the eam's name...the redkins are now only permitting authorized use of the name, meaning only under contractural agreement.. the post changed the name of the feature to ffotball insider... the orioles take on the yankees tonight...highlights, the rest offthe night n sports, and we hearrfrom likely opening day starter jeremy's all coming uppat 10:50 on sports
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unlimited. --toss to vytas-- vytas-- 3 3 3 in the city that ddesn't sleep... maybe it'ssfitting there'd be a night club for a clientele. a new nightclub named "fetch" is now open. it allows ddg owners to drop their pets off while átheyá go out. the club is open frrm seven p-m to midnight and the cover charge
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is 25-dollars.from seven -m to midnight and costs twenty five bbcks for the night. fetch even has n in-house hotel- complete with turn down service and complimentary head scratches... just in casee pooches need to spend the night. 3 that's all forr fox45 news at 5:30."king of queens" is next. next.and we'll be back tonight for fox45 news at ten -- ann the late edition at 11... 11...


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